Month: March 2020

Myths: the most famous 5 myths about food with an explanation (2)

Myths: the most famous 5 myths about food with an explanation (2)

5 on your diet myth – 2 This article gives you a brief overview of the 5 myths that exist in today’s society. Red eggs are better .. ?? Or white eggs? There is a misconception in society today that “red eggs have more nutritional 

Myths: the most famous 5 myths about food with an explanation

Myths: the most famous 5 myths about food with an explanation

5 on your diet myths From then until today, there are a lot of myths about food.The main purpose of this article is to analyze 5 of them and give you a correct idea of the misconceptions you have. Myth 01: Is regular coffee drinking 

Eating habits: Do you know people have many bad eating habits?

Eating habits: Do you know people have many bad eating habits?

5 questions you have about diet and eating habits

We have doubts about some of the eating habits we have in our daily lives. Would it be better to do so? Is it healthy? There are many such problems. In this article, 5 simple problems that we often have are explained in a simple and scientific manner.

What is the best time to add salt to your diet?

Is Salt add before or after cooking?

Housewives face a lot of problems when it comes to adding salt to food. That is, should onions be added while cooking? Or at the beginning? To go. Others say that it does not matter when salt is added.

The main purpose of adding salt to a dish is not only to enhance the taste. Iodine in it regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Many people add salt to their food, especially during cooking, as the iodine in ionized onions is destroyed by overheating. Therefore, the best time to add salt to a meal is when the temperature has dropped slightly after cooking. This protects the iodine content of the food and helps to prevent iodine deficiency. Concern not only about the taste but also the quality of the food.

Fresh and clean packaged frozen chicken (packet chicken) ?? Unpacked chicken ??

Here the date of manufacture, expiration date, certificate, etc. of the packaged and frozen chicken is strictly marked. But there is no confirmation of the pomegranate quality of chickens that have not done so. It is also wrong to think of it as fresh and clean just because it is not packaged. Therefore, it is safer to consume packaged chicken.

  Is drinking water as Half Half safe for health?

eating habits- water

What is this half-half? Many people are accustomed to drinking a mixture of hot and cold water. Many people think that cold water is just like boiled water mixed with hot water. But it can be even more dangerous than just drinking cold water.
Here, the cold water is mixed equally with the water at 100oC or at a temperature equal to the desired temperature. Generally, some micro-organisms live in cold water, and stagnant hot water is considered to be free of micro-organisms. When hot water and cold water are mixed, the microorganisms reactivate when they reach the optimum temperature (50 oC -55oC). The microbial level in the cold water is high and its microbial activity increases rapidly when mixed with cold water and hot water. The result is a glass of water with a higher microbial population than a glass of cold water. Many mothers make this mistake when preparing powdered milk for their babies, and it can have unfortunate repercussions. Don’t think about convenience. Think about your health.

People with Gastritis eat yogurt carefully

Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is common when this condition is present. This is due to the hydrochloric acid (HCl acid) in the gastric juice causing damage to the stomach wall. This condition is further aggravated by eating yogurt. This is because the lactic acid in yogurt is also added to the stomach when eating yogurt. The result is an increase in the acidity of the stomach and further injury of the stomach wall. If you suffer from gastritis, be sure to think twice before consuming yogurt.

Appearance is OK. Is it okay to eat..?

 Most of the time, we are used to thinking that if a food looks good and if the smell does not change much, then that food is suitable for that right? Severe germs such as E. coli and Salmonella are highly contagious. They do not change the appearance or smell of food. This is because E. coli and Salmonella are pathogenic microorganisms that do not cause food spoilage. Then the food is not fit for consumption.


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Corona vs. tea: A scientific explanation of the fake story

Corona vs. tea: A scientific explanation of the fake story

Corona and tea? Is this story true? A scientific explanation If you have been surfing on social media since this morning, you will see that there are many posts and articles saying that corona is good with tea. All of that was posted on the 

LD50: Do you love to know what it is?

LD50: Do you love to know what it is?

What is this lethal dose 50 value? I received a lot of good responses after my first article was published. So the question that many people had in that article was, what is the lethal dose 50 value? This is just a general word for 

Mono-Sodium Glutamate: Is good for your health?

Mono-Sodium Glutamate: Is good for your health?

Is everything you think about the food you eat right ??

Food provides the energy needed to sustain an organism’s body functions. Food types, food consumption, eating habits, food-based cultural practices, etc. vary from country to country, region to region, and religion to religion.

Similarly, opinions about food changed in this way. Some opinions are true and some are false. From time immemorial to the present day, the myth of food has been continuously passed down, and many people are reluctant to admit its falsity. Although some people want to know the truth or falsity of these views, they are seldom given a chance to know them. It is my intention to provide such an opportunity through this article.

This series of articles has scientifically confirmed some of the myths about food that exist in society today, especially in Sri Lanka. It is my belief that this will give you an accurate understanding of the misconceptions that exist about food.

In my first article, I hope to explain in a scientific way whether MSG, which is a big problem in today’s society, is suitable or unsuitable for food.

What exactly is MonoSodium Glutamate?

what is MSG?
Do you know..??
America first introduced MSG to the food world. MSG was a cheap and easy way to regain the flavor of food that was lost during food processing for a variety of reasons.

“Monosodium glutamate is not suitable for dietary use as it is unhealthy.” Is that completely right? So, let’s clarify it. Firstly, this is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamic. In general, glutamic acid is naturally present in our bodies. It is also contained in a variety of foods and additives. Glutamate has been used in food since ancient times and is extracted from seaweed. Instead of extracting and crystallizing for MSG production today, starch, beetroot, sugar cane, and sugar cane are fermented.


Is MSG really unhealthy?

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has shown that adding MSG to food is not unsafe and They also say that its lethal dose (LD50), which is the lethal dose, is higher in MSG (about 1.5%) than in salt (about 0.3%). This explains why MSG requires a higher dose of salt than is required to kill 50% of the animals tested.

Safety levels are also listed in Category 1, which includes current and future health additives. Although symptoms such as headaches and nausea have been reported after ingestion of MSG, the cause of MSG deficiency has not been established.


Moreover, Eating 3 mg or more of monosodium glutamate directly can cause headaches, nausea, lethargy, inflammation, and increased heart rate. Therefore, less than 0.5g should be applied to a normal diet.

Thus, we cannot say that the use of MSG is inappropriate and that the lack of understanding of the dosage of this additive seems to be a problem for users. It is my belief that many of the problems caused by MSG can be avoided by gaining a proper understanding of it.

Do you know ??

Foods that contain MSG as a natural flavoring,

  • Tomatoes
  • Cheese
  • Spices
  • Soy sauce
  • Seaweed
  • Mushrooms
  • Meat broth(Bouillon)
  • Hydrogenated milk or plant protein
  • Natural beef and chicken seasonings


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